Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Telescope From Bourne Identity

banana cake and chocolate cream - fructosearm

Enjoy the sight of this fructosearmen treats!

banana cake

banana cake and chocolate cream sandwich

I know the cake looks like a banana bread. But he has tasted really delicious - for me at least. All the others who have tried it were not so impressed. He just fructosearm and therefore not as sweet as pie and so it is usually found all stupid!
Ehrlich has said it hurt me even a tiny bit of that all my poor little banana cakes have been so bad. Just the juicy banana in the dough was amazing. Well, I probably would not "Normalo" can inspire them and I do not know if I would bake the cake again. Because for a person as a box of cake is just too much. I'm now back hurt when I something write about him. Sorry, cake ..

The chocolate cream is actually quite tasty if they would give me such a craving. It consists of glucose, sour cream, cooking chocolate and ground hazelnuts and glucose is well known, not so good if the aim is to longer saturation. Actually, the cream will furthermore be made with Hazelnut what I have, however, replaced by the variation of ground hazelnut. The cream is not thereby become as creamy as it should be. But it tastes good anyway! Repetition need right now, however.

The recipes I have from the book by the way, I have presented you recently .


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